Here you will find useful Hints and Tips to help you keep your computer in tip-top shape. They will get changed and updates from time to time. If you're not confident to carry out any of the procedures listed below then drop us a line.


Virus Scan: If your system seems to be struggling to access webpages, bringing up Pop-up messages you don't expect or otherwise doing some slightly odd things than a Virus scan can be a good place to start. You'll should be able to find a small icon for your Anti-Virus software on the bottom right hand side of the screen. Try double clicking or right clicking on the icon and carry out a full scan of your computer. It may find and cure problems which is a great result. If it finds but can't solve a problem or won't run at all they you may need some more assistance.

Defrag: Over time the files stored on the drive can become spread all over the disk. This can slow down your computer as it will take longer to read each file (there's no risk to the files or of data loss, but the computer will be slower). To improve this Windows has a built-in utility called Defrag to but all the files back together again. To run this, click on My Computer, Right click on the the C: Drive, select properties and at the top of the window that opens click onto the Tools tab, then click the Defragment Now button. You will now see Analyse and Defragment button - click Defragment. This can take some time (2-3 hours) so we suggest you run it overnight.

MSCONFIG: Coming soon...

CCleaner: Coming soon...

Temp Files: Coming soon...